When Corporate Pharmacology is not the answer, Natural Medicine is!
Natural Medicines have been in existence since the beginning of time. Early man would watch animals and learn what berries and plants were safe to eat. From this, he developed knowledge of what plants caused reactions in the body.
Later, the early Sumerian, Chinese, Egyptian, and Biblical records teach how plant medicines and essential oils were used to treat various human conditions, injuries, and diseases. Each country around the world developed complex medical systems that are empirically based and used today.
Native American Healing Systems, Clinical Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, and Chinese / Japanese Medicine are the most predominant systems, but there are so many others that have developed simultaneously.
People do not realize that they have the power to ask their medical providers for natural options to medications instead of taking synthetic pharmaceuticals. The National Institutes for Health (www.nih.gov) and PubMed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) maintain vast online research libraries for public use.
There are also many Allied Health, Integrative Specialists, and Functional Practitioners who are trained, certified, and / or licensed to support physicians and work with patients by providing access to, and knowledge for:
Clinical Aromatherapy / Herbalism
Chinese Medicine
Acupressure and Acupuncture
Massage Therapy, Bodywork, and Adjustments
Bio-resonance, Sound, and Light Therapies
Spiritual / Metaphysical Care
Why do these natural medicines work so well?
1. Scientifically, most synthetic medicines are copied from plant biology. Natural medicines are molecularly smaller, so their uptake is better in the body - but with the great need for medicines, synthetic copies were made to meet the demand.
2. Natural medicines are organically based, so the body "recognizes" the compounds, does not perceive them as threats, and assimilates them better.
3. Natural medicines aren't adulterated with additives, preservatives, grains, or artificial dyes... this is better for the body, since the absorption and digestion is much simpler.
If you are ready to explore natural medicines, the providers at Downeast Wellness Specialize in Integrative Care and offer a wide range of support from self-help options to health partnerships to full care with their team.