Medical Cannabis Consultations
Knowledgeable consultations in cannabis, cannabidiol oil, and beta caryophyllene uses.
Service Description
Maine is a cannabis-friendly state, and many patients prefer to use cannabis products to control chronic pain, symptoms of PTSD or complex PTSD, and other health issues. This appointment is for new patients or patients who are new to cannabis use to explore the best varieties (indica, sativa, or hybrid) options for therapeutic delivery (smoking, edibles, tinctures, or oils). *This office does not provide medical cards or sell DELTA 9 or Marijuana products. We will help patients obtain cards online and we do maintain a variety of CBD oil blends for our patients and their pets.
Cancellation Policy
We do not maintain a cancellation policy. Our practice is that when an appointment is made, we dedicate preparation and research time for our patient's specific needs. If an appointment is missed, we will assess a $40 cancellation fee.
Contact Details
108 Main Street, Ellsworth, ME, USA